A man in a suit looks over some computer monitors that show various camera feeds

How A Surveillance System Can Benefit Your Business

By | Camera Systems |

If you’re a business owner, you’re likely already dealing with a lot. Aside from the stresses of running your company, you have to worry about a variety of other issues involving employees, customers, and even theft.

One way to alleviate those worries or at least better manage them is to install a video security system in your place of business. Any type of business with a brick-and-mortar location should consider installing Orange County Security Camera Systems. Get expert help from professional services like fort knox security company Adelaide. Here’s why:

Deter Theft

It really doesn’t matter if you own a small store, a major warehouse, or really anything in-between – your business is always a potential target for thieves, both petty and major. A video surveillance system will deter thieves from entering your place of business in the first place. It will also help you identify brazen thieves who try to rob you anyway, which could help you get the stolen items back.

Manage Employees

You can’t be everywhere all the time as a business owner. You have to trust managers and employees to get the job done when you’re not there. But a video surveillance system is a good way to ensure the job gets done when you’re not around. Employees are more likely to be productive if they know they’re under surveillance. Additionally, camera systems can capture any workplace misconduct and can help settle disputes between two or more employees. If you need help with a legal matter, hire Manchester solicitors to assist you and tell you what is right.

Protect Your Company and Employees

One of the main reasons you invest in a security camera installation is to protect your business. That includes theft, yes, but also other issues such as vandalism. And if your company happens to be named in a lawsuit regarding something that happened in the building, you will have the opportunity to review the footage and set the record straight.

Having a surveillance system is one of the best methods against work-related bias. It can also give them evidence in their favor in the case of any workplace abuse or harassment.

If you’re looking to set up a video surveillance system in your place of business, Shore Home Solutions is the place to call. We’ll work with you to find the perfect camera system for your company. Call 410-878-2448 for a free consultation today!

Benefits of Business Video Surveillance

Why You Need Video Surveillance at Your Business

By | Business Solutions, Surveillance Cameras, Video Surveillance Systems |

Do you have a video surveillance system installed in your business? If not, you could be putting your inventory, your building, and even your employees at risk. There are more and more businesses increasing security efforts these days, and they’re doing it for all kinds of reasons.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the reasons why you need video surveillance set up at your business.

It will reduce theft

It doesn’t matter if you own a convenience store, a warehouse filled with different items, or another type of business. You could be the victim of theft at any time. The simple act of installing video surveillance will often deter would-be thieves from trying to burglarize your building. And, in the event that they try to steal from you anyway, you will be able to provide the police with video evidence of what took place.

It will make your employees more productive

When your employees know that their every move is being recorded, they’re a lot more likely to bring their A-game to work every day. They will be less prone to slacking off and taking breaks when they know you can check the tape at any time to see what they’ve been doing.

It will help you resolve conflicts

There are many conflicts that can take place within a business. Some might involve your employees arguing with one another. Others might feature employees and customers going at it. Whatever the case may be, you can play back videos of conflicts to get to the bottom of what really happened. You won’t have to worry about dealing with he-said, she-said situations anymore.

It will lower your insurance premiums

When you install video surveillance in your business, your insurance company will likely cut you some slack and lower your premiums. This will help you save money, and over time, your video surveillance will actually end up paying for itself.

Are you thinking about installing video surveillance in your business? Shore Home Solutions can set you up with commercial video surveillance in Maryland and tell you more about how it works. Call us at 410-878-2448 today to get started!